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Open Access
Information Systems in Health Care Delivery Services: A Case Study of Selected Academic Medical Centres in Lagos State, Nigeria
(2015) Odunlade, R.; Ojo, J.O.
Information Systems play a major role in the overall healthcare management. It has much to offer in managing healthcare and improving the quality of care. However, Information Systems cannot be discussed outside the concept of information technology. This is because of the embedded role of information technology in clinical and diagnostics equipment through which Information Systems are uniquely positioned to capture, store, process and communicate timely information to decision makers for better coordination of healthcare at both the individual and corporate levels. This study examined the role played by Information Systems (IS) in healthcare delivery services in three academic medical centres in Lagos State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. The total enumeration technique was adopted in administering questionnaire on resident doctors, nurses, laboratory technologists, pharmacists, and administrative staff. This technique was purposively adopted due to the fact that all the category of medical personnel selected as sample makes use of information systems in carrying out their duties. The study found that majority of respondents was aware of IS. Though, some of IS resources were available, computer and internet were the most used. Clinical services require the use of IS even though there were challenges such as lack of skills on how to use IS, lack of financial supports, inexperience on the part of IS suppliers by not being able to supply the required specifications, and use of faulty IS by medical personnel in the course of their duties. These had negatively affected their job productivity in the area of capturing, processing, and delivery of healthcare services. The study concluded that though IS have a major role to play in healthcare delivery especially where almost all aspects of healthcare services could be managed using technology, however, inadequate funding to procure modern equipment and lack of ICT skills on the part of medical professionals among other challenges can hinder effective capturing, processing and delivery of healthcare services
Open Access
Information literacy skills: a tool for capacity building of lawmakers in democratic governance in Nigeria
(Information Technology application Group (ITAG) International, 2015) Ojo, J. O.; Ojeagbonye, P. E
Purpose: This study was carried out to investigate how democratic governance aims at increasing state capability, accountability and responsiveness for constituency performance. Design/Methodology/Approach: The survey research design was used for this study. Three objectives and three research questions were formulated to guide the study. A purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 177 legislators from all the six states of assembly in South-West Nigeria. The Cronbach’s alpha was used to validate the questionnaire which gave a reliability coefficient of 0.188. Return rate was 85.3%. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Person moment correlation and ANOVA. Findings showed that legislators (64%) had a clear understanding of the information they needed for their constituency work. Moreover, similar to these results legislators (54%) were able to assess quality, credibility relevance and accuracy of information from print sources. Legislators (35%) also found it easiest to retrieve information from community based sources such as traditional and religious leaders as well as NGOs (31%). Majority of the legislators (62%) affirmed their ability to create and communicate legislative proceedings to their constituency, through newsletters and magazines. It can be seen that legislators understood the need to act confidentially when dealing with information (44%). They understood and adhered to copyright laws (44%) and to a lesser extent, they had the skill to regularly recognize that accurate and complete information was the basis for intelligent decision- making. Implications: Legislators had shown their readiness to acquire information literacy skills, since information literacy and constituency performance were closely related, even though information literacy skills does not have much contribution to the constituency performance of the legislators, there is need to encourage the development of information literacy skills. Originality/Value: It was recommended that the complexity of the parliamentary structure and processes require the need for information literacy skills, through the use of information and communication technologies. This can be achieved by training for newly elected members and orientation programmes.
Open Access
Effect of economic recession on public library services in Lagos State, Nigeria. Information Impact
(Information Impact, 2018) Uwem, E.; Ojo, J.O.; Olaniyi, O.T.
The study examined the impact of economic recession in library and information services amongst public libraries in Lagos State. Data were collected with a self-designed questionnaire administered to forty-one (41) employees in the public libraries within Lagos State. The data were analysed with descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation while the hypotheses were analysed with Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) tested at 5% level of significance. Findings revealed a positive and significant relationship between economic recession and library services. There is a positive significant at 0.582 at 5% (p=0.00<0.05 but negative relationship at 1.72-0.523, p<0.05 for economic recession and provision of library services; this implies that economic recession has a direct and an inverse influence on the provision of library and information services. The study recommends for adequate funding, library advocacy amongst the youth in the society, sustainability of public-private partnership embarked upon by the Lagos State Government.
Open Access
Library resources availability and security challenges in Federal University, Oye Ekiti Library Ekiti State, Nigeria
(2023) Adebayo, O. K.; Ojo, J.O.
The aim of the study was to examine Library Resources Availability and Security Challenges in Federal University, Oye Ekiti Library, Ekiti State Nigeria. The study made use of survey research design in order to collect data directly from the field on the subject matter. The population of the study consisted of 2,709 students of the Faculty of Education, Federal University Oye Ekiti. A simple random technique was used to select 331 students. A structured questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. Data were analyzed using Simple percentage analysis. The findings of this research revealed that the problem facing the library in the institution were removal of pages of library materials and stealing of library materials. It also observed that the barriers to effective security of library resources in the institution were lack of adequate punishment to serve as deterrent to others and inadequate security personnel to monitor the library. The study revealed that the available library resources in the institution were books and dictionaries and encyclopedias. It was also discovered that the influence of security challenges on library resources as a result of insecurity of FUOYE library resources have reduced the users of the library, because some of the available materials are defaced in FUOYE library. The study concluded that unless some urgent measures are taken by the library, university libraries will continue to live with theft and mutilation of library resources, defacement of library books, late return of borrowed material, noise, and other challenges.
Open Access
Digital Transformation And Service Delivery in Academic Libraries: A Post Covid-19 Approach
(2023) Odunlade, R.O.; Ojo, J.O.
In the library environment, digital transformation has revolutionised in-house routine and service delivery such that users can access adequate and current information promptly and remotely. This paper examined the digital readiness of academic libraries in Nigeria in relation to adoption of the major variables considered in the study as indices of digital transformation applicable to deploying library services. These are: kiosk technology; QR code technology; mobile technology; artificial intelligence and Radio Frequency Identification. Also, identifying library services that are being deployed using the listed digital technologies; assessing how digital transformation has impacted positively on library patronage and examining the challenges faced in adopting digital transformation were part of the objectives of the study. The study population was academic libraries in Nigeria and sample was drawn purposively from 18 universities in South-West Nigeria. Findings revealed that digital transformation is yet to be fully embraced in Nigerian university libraries. Also, there is no significant change in the use of digital technologies in the deployment of library services in Nigerian academic libraries pre and post Covid-19 era. Though the study established that digital transformation has impacted library patronage greatly and positively, the greatest challenges facing digital transformation is paucity of funds and lack of infrastructure. The study recommends that organisational policy that supports the adoption of digital technologies in libraries must be put in place. Also, since the annual subvention allocated to libraries is barely enough, library managers should adopt public private partnership to assist in meeting some of their financial obligations.