Rural Poverty Amelioration: A Key to Sustainable Development Nigeria

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Badru, F.A
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Poverty is a plague and hydra-headed virus that affects both urban and rural areas. It is a social problem as it has social root. Poverty emasculates and dehumanizes. Paradoxically, it is human-engendered A number of efforts have been made by government and non-governmental organizations to de-emasculate urban poverty with some percolations to the 'ruralites '. However, the contention of scholars is that poverty is a grass-root problem but successive governments in Nigeria have addressed this in (top-bottom' manner. The programs have not only neglected the rural areas inhabited by more people (63% of Nigerian population live in rural settings) but suffer from proper co-ordination and focus. This made the impact of hitherto strategies to be unsustainable and undesirable ~ people. It is not people-centered but 'graft-anchored~ The paper argues that it is only when urban bias disappears for even development and instituting co-ordinated, flexible, focused, genuine, politically-immuned rural ameliorating measures before Nigeria can be sustainable developed The kernel of this paper is that rural poverty amelioration is a challenge of the 21,"1 cent/try and a key to sustainable development in Nigeria.
Nigeria , Poverty , Government , Non-Governmental organisation , Poverty eradication , Rural dwellers , Development , Urban areas
Badru, F. A. (2001). Rural poverty amelioration: a key to sustainable development Nigeria. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Congress of the Nigerian Rural Sociological Association at the University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria.