Patterns and Social-economic Determinants of Women's Political Participation in Nigeria's Urban Areas: the Case of Lagos Metropolis

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Dauda, R.O.S
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This paper investigates the socio-economic determinants of women's political participation in South-western Nigeria. The scope of the study covers Lagos metropolis as one of the major urban centres of Nigeria. Information on socio-economic characteristics and political activities was gathered from urban women who were above 18years old and chosen from three income neighbourhoods , namely high income, medium income and low income based on a purposive sampling technique. The results show that socio-economic variables such as number of children, occupation and income influence the behavioural patterns of women's active involvement in politics and decision-making. Findings suggest the need for a design and implementation of mixed policies to remove the many daunting obstacles which lie in the way of women's participation in politics. This is necessary in order to achieve equitable development outcomes.
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Women , Political Participation
Dauda, R.O.S (2012) Patterns and Social-economic Determinants of Women's Political Participation in Nigeria's Urban Areas: the Case of Lagos Metropolis. UNILAG Journal of Politics, Volume 1.