National development goals enunciated in Nigeria's policy document on education

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Akinsanya, P.O.
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Department of Education and Counselling Psychology
Series ofnat ional developmental plans have produced some goals which act as corner stones 10 operation in education, politics. econonic and all other facets of. igerian life. The e goals are listed in 1999 Constitution and the last edition of the Sotianol Policv on Education. In these documents. it was slated that Nigeria wishes 10 become afree and democratic societv: a just and egalitarian societv; a greal and dvnamic economv; a land of bright and full opportunities for <Illcitizens: .1 united. strnng and self-reliant nation. This paper examines these goals with the intent of discovering whether they are worthy of pursuit and whether they are in line with the adopted social ideology in Nigeria. It was shown that enunciated goals are in consonance with the adopted ideolos•t.y.which is building a democracy and nurturing egalitarianism, and th It these goals are lofty. Although this ideology is presently not ptt! into practice in Nigeria. the researcher suggested that the combination oj ideological designs with implementation from both leaders and followers will ensure that Nigeria truly becomes free and democratic, just and egalitarian, great and dynamic. full of bright opportunities , united. strong and self-reliant.
Staff publications
National policy on education , National goals , Developmental plans , Democracy , Egalitarianism , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education
Akinsanya, P.O. (2013). National development goals enunciated in Nigeria's policy document on education. Journal of Education and applied Psychology, 6(1), 12p.