A critical review of the goals of vocational and technical education in Nigeria
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Fabiyi, A.I.
Uzoka, N.E.
Fagbohun, R.O.
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Nigeria Association for educational Administration and Planning
APGrosgtrraecsls towords achieving universal primary educolion has sharply increased the demand for seconJury educalion and creuting unprecedented chollenges of lransilion from primory to secondory levels of ec.lucotion. Thus, it is essential [or the noli on to renovate, expand oud refony\ this level of education including voce ional and technical level for most youth bdare con[wnting the world of work. The development ol skills for the world of work musl be mode on integrol port of all levels of the curricula. This oal)er focuses on 0 critical exarninalion of I • the goals of vocational and technical education and examines crilica\ly the policy componenls. The paper tries to oscerioin Ihe issues and challenges facing this ospecl of
education which include among otbers. public ollilude to vocalional and technical education,
the problem of lechnology and science teachers and cost il em;ive nature of the programme.
The pnper concludes by suggesling Ihol Ihe government should fully ifOplem enl Ihe goals and ob,ec'ives 01 vocalionol and .echnical educaliaa as s'ipula.ed in Ihe Notional Policy 01
Education, unci thol the curriculum should integrate generol education and give them expoSul·c to job mwket practices.
Staff publications
Vocational education , Technical education , Primary education , Secondary education , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education
Fabiyi, A.I., Uzoka, N.E. and Fagbohun, R.O. (2007). A critical review of the goals of vocational and technical education in Nigeria. Managing technical and vocational education in the era of globalization, 419-425.