Exploratory study on Information Needs for Socioeconomic Empowerment of Women Artisans in Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria

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Adekanye, E.A.
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American Research Institute for Policy Development, USA
This study explored information needs for social economic empowennent of women artisans in Ikorodu, Lagos State, igeria. A total of 200 randomly selected women artisans drawn from six major economic nerves centers within Ikorodu community constituted the sample. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools were used to analysed the data. Simple linear regression was used to determine the link between information usage and socioeconomic empowennent of the women artisans. Results of the study showed that the levels of information usage and that of socioeconomic empowerment of women in Ikorodu were both high to a greater degree. Information usage was significantly related to socioeconomic empowennent of women in Ikorodu (x2 = 20.886; p<O.l). It was therefore concluded that the role of information usage in improving the socioeconomic of women artisans in Ikorodu was substantiated in the study. The study therefore recommended that women artisans in Ikorodu should make use of information to empower themselves socio-econornicall
Scholarly article
Information needs , Socio-economic empowerment , Women artisan , Ikorodu , Lagos State , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Other social sciences::Library and information science
Adekanye, E.A. (). Exploratory study on Information Needs for Socioeconomic Empowerment of Women Artisans in Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Library and Information Sciences, 7(1), 79-89.