The Comparative Effectiveness os Different Instructional Strategies on the Learning of Cross Motor Skills.
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Ikulayo, Philomena. Bolaji.
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University of Lagos
There were two studies designed to find the most effective instructional strategies in the acquisition of four gross motor skills, associated with four physical sports. The instructional strategies were demonstration with verbal feedback; verbal instructions with verbal feedback; demonstration, proprioceptive awareness with verbal feedback verbal instruction, proprioceptive awareness with verbal feedback; and combination method (comprising demonstration, verbal instruction, proprioceptive awareness with verbal feedback). The skills were volleying in volleyball, zig- zag dribbling in hockey, headstand in gymnastics and sail long jump in athletics. 350 from two students were used as experimental sample. 200 students from Akoka High School and 150 students from Howell’s Memorial Grammar School, and of both sexes. They were divided into 2 by 5 equally grouped samples who learned under specified treatment conditions as outlined under chapter three. The second study was conducted to validate findings revealed by study one. ANCOVA, ANOVA, student’s t.Test and Q. factor statistical techniques were utilized in analysing the data. The results confirmed consistency in the findings of the two studies. It was revealed that learning of gross motor skills is enhanced by different instructional strategies, and that no one instructional strategy was solely most effective for the teaching and learning of all the four gross motor skills. However, the combination method (method 5) recorded the highest score in effectiveness for both studies on the scoring system approach adopted for position placement. Method 3 and method 4 were least effective for study 1 and study 2 respectively, while method 1 placed 2nd in the first study, it placed 3rd together with method 3 in the second study. The two-way (2x5) factorial analysis conducted on study 2 revealed that sex and instructional strategies (methods) had interacting influences on the learning of sports skills. Both sexes responded differently to teaching instructions. These were reflected in their performances on the skills. It was therefore concluded that various instructions should be tried out in teaching learners to acquire skills speedily. Boys and girls should be taught physical skills separately and different methods.
Motor Skills , Effective Learning , Physical Education , Skill Acquisition , Instructional Strategies
Ikulayo, P. B. (1985). The Comparative Effectiveness os Different Instructional Strategies on the Learning of Cross Motor Skills. A Thesis Submitted to the School of Post Graduates Studies, University of Lagos in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.