Quality education: examining teacher-education curriculum in the light of the 21st century millenium development goals
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Uzoka, N.E.
Igwe, R.O.
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Journal of the Faculty of Educational Studies, University of Education, Ghana
The study examines the extent to which a quality and standard teacher education can enhance teachers' productivity and the attainment of the millennium development goals. To this end, the descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. Four 'reaearch:questions and two hypotheses were postulated for the study. Of the six education districts in the state, Five were randomly selected with [iue secondarij schools and twenty respondents (comprising teachers and students) sampled from each district. This made a total of a. hundred respondents sampled from. each district and Jive hundred from. the five districts. The questionnaire and the interview were used as instnl1nents for data collection. The contents of these instnl.1nents were face validated hy [iue education specialists of the University of Lagos while a reliability of O.75 was recorded using the testretest method. The data collected were analyzed using the simple percentile and chi square statistical tool. Results sh.owed that a great significance exists between standard quality education and teacher performance on the one hand and quality standard teacher education and teacher productivity on the other hand. The study concluded by recommending that more inputs 011 entrepreneurship and life-skills acquisition be injected into the teacher education curriculum.
Staff publications
Teacher educatrion , Productivity , Millennium development goals , Schools , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education
Uzoka, N.E. & Igwe, R.O. (2007). Quality education: examining teacher-education curriculum in the light of the 21st century millenium development goals. Journal of research and Development in Education, vol.7, 16-23.