Focal Subcortical Grey Matter Heterotopia and Imaging Features- a Case Report
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Omidiji, O
Adeuja, D
Okwuegbuna, F
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Heterotopic grey matter is a disorder erfrtical formation, caused by the arrested migration of neurons from periventricular germinal zone to the cortex, often seen grossly as nodules or clumps of grey matter. It can be its herogeneity. It can be inherited or acquired from fetal exposure to toxins. Some forms are X-linked with overall gender predilection due to its heterogeneity. A subtype (Band heterotopia) is seen exclusively in women. Several macroscopic types exist, divided broadly into nodular and diffuse types, of which the subependymal nodular pattern predominates.
Heterotopic grey matter (focal nodular type) presents in childhood, between 6 and 10 years of age with seizures, mental retardation and developmental delay; others present in young adulthood with seizures. Grey matter heterotopia has a distinctive appearance on cross sectional imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging is the gold
standard diagnostic tool depicting the morphology, distribution and extent of these disorders and the associated congenital anomalies. Varying degrees of relief from intractable seizures have been reported with surgical resection of the focal types. We present the case of a 17 year old male who presented with a 2 year history of recurrent seizures after being unsuccessfully managed at a private hospital. Few cases exist in African literature. MRI is of utmost importance when evaluating seizures unresponsive to medical therapy.
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Heterotropia , Grey Matter
Omidiji, O, Adeuja, D and Okwuegbuna, F (2016) Focal Subcortical Grey Matter Heterotopia and Imaging Features- a Case Report.13th Annual Scientific, Conference and Gathering Held at College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Idi Araba.