'Gold, Guns & Goons': the complexity of electoral irregularities in Nigeria, 1999-2007

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Osiki, O. M.
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Electoral irregularities have become an irritant but inseparable aspect of democratic development in several countries of the world. From the US Florida electoral crisis of 2000 to the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004/2005, which was staged to protest perceived electoral malpractice, the story has been that of the inability of electoral bodies to conduct free and fair elections devoid of electoral malpractice, coupled with incompetence and numerous electoral flaws, unfairness and injustice. Although, Nigeria's case of electoral irregularities may not be unique, their magnitude makes it a good subject of historical investigations. This work examines the impact of the illegal use of money, weapons and thugs as aspects of electoral irregularities in the conduct of elections in Nigeria between 1999 and 2007.
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Elections , Election observation , Democracy , Party politics
Osiki, O. M.(2010), 'Gold, Guns & Goons': the complexity of electoral irregularities in Nigeria, 1999-2007. Information, Society and Justice, Volume 3 No.2, pp 151-163