Phytochemical, Proximate and Antifungal Studies on Phoenix dactylifera L.

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Onuminya, Temitope
Opaluwa, Ojotule
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Date fruits are one of the very common fruits known to man having a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for the wellbeing of an individual. In this study, the aqueous, ethanolic, n-hexane and diethylether extracts of date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera L.) obtained from a local market were analyzed for their phytochemical and proximate composition as well as antifungal properties on two different fungi species (Loramyces macrosporus and Aphanomyces laevis). Phytochemical screening showed that there was the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannin, saponin, teterpenoid, steroids and phenols while the proximate analysis showed the abundance of carbohydrate as well as low concentrations of protein, crude fat and moisture. The aqueous extract of the fruit had a higher phytochemical profile than the other extracts hence was used in the antimicrobial studies. Antifungal studies using varying concentrations (200 mg/ml, 400 mg/ml, 1000 mg/ml) of the aqueous extract of the fruit showed that increase in the concentration of the extract, was directly proportional to the increase in zones of inhibition observed in the fungi tested. The extracts of the date fruits showed a correlation between their phytochemical composition and the fungal resistivity. These findings can be seen as additional knowledge on the importance of having dates in our diet and also as a natural antifungal agent for daily use.
Date fruit, Fungistatic, Medicinal plant, Phytochemistry
Onuminya, Temitope Olabisi and Opaluwa, Ojotule (2017). Phytochemical, Proximate and Antifungal Studies on Phoenix dactylifera L. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 12(3-IV): 78-83