Clinical and proctosigmoidoscopic findings in patients with anorectal sepsis in a private health facility in Lagos, Nigeria

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Jeje, E.A
Mofikoya, B.O
Osunkoya, S.A
Olajide, T.O
Osinowo, A.O
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Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine
Background: Anorectal sepsis is a distressing condition which is sometimes inadequatelytreated. Objectives: To determine the clinical and prostosigmoidoscopic findings in patients with anorectal sepsis seen by the authors over a 5 year period as well as identifying the commonly performed procedures. Method: A review of all the records of patients seen by the authors over a 5 year period was carried out. The demographic pattern was determined including the age, sex, mode of presentation, and associated co-morbidities. The detailed perianal and protosigmoidoscopic findings were also noted Results: 45 males and 10 females were seen during the study period. The mean age incidence was 43.4 years. The commonest mode of presentation was perianal discharge and pain in over 85% of the patients seen. The low anal fistula was the commonest pathology on proctosigmoidoscopy while abscesses and external haemorrhoids were the other commonly occurring lesions found . Fistulotomy was the most commonly perfomed procedure while diabetes was the most common comorbidity. Conclusion: Anorectal sepsis most commonly affects males in the fifth decade of life. Thorough evaluation and adequate operative treatment appear to result in satisfactory early outcome.
Anorectal sepsis, fistula in ano, proctosigmoidoscopy
Jeje EA, Mofikoya BO, Osunkoya SA, Olajide TO, Osinowo AO. Clinical and Proctosigmoidoscopic findings in Patients with Anorectal sepsis in a private health facility in Lagos, Nigeria. Nig Qt J Hosp Med 2012;22(1):14-17. PMID: 23175873