Obstetric Performance in Pregnant Nigeria Women Aged 40 Years and Above at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) between 2007 and 2011

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Oluwole, A.A.
Babah, O.A.
Adejuwon, O.C.
Olamijulo, J.A.
Afolabi, B.B.
Oye-Adeniran, B.A.
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International Journal of Science and Research
Advanced maternal age has been regarded as a risk factor for complications in pregnancy and with associated fetal morbidity. Methods: This was a case-control study comparing pregnancy outcome of 113 parturients aged 40years and older that delivered in our hospital and compared with women between ages18 to 30 years between January,2007 and December ,2011. Retrospective analysis of the antepartum and intrapartum records was done and compared to clinical outcome.113 parturients aged 40 years and above (study group SG) among 6285 parturients that delivered during the study period were compared with113 parturients aged below 40 years(control group CG). Results: The incidence of pregnant women aged 40 years and above was1.79% with a mean age of 41.03+/-1.47(SD).The mean age of the control was 29.5+/-4.00(SD).The mean parity in the SG was 4.12 and 2.38 in the CG. Majority of the women in the SG (72%) were unbooked while majority (79.6%) in the CG were booked. All complications reviewed during pregnancy, labour and puerperium occurred more frequently in the SG than in the CG. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, Caesarean section, assisted breech delivery and postpartum haemorrhage were found to be statistically higher in the SG than the CG. Conclusion: Women aged 40 years and above have a higher risk of complications than younger nulliparous women. These older women have a higher risk of operative delivery, medical problems and neonatal complications. Although maternal morbidity was increased in the older women in this study, the overall neonatal outcome did not appear to be affected.
Pregnancy , Maternal age , Parity , Caesarean section , Mortality
Oluwole AA, Babah OA, Adejuwon OC, Olamijulo JA, Afolabi BB, Oye-Adeniran BA. Obstetric Performance in Pregnant Nigeria Women Aged 40 Years and Above at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) between 2007 and 2011. International Journal of Science and Research. 2014; 3(6).