Utilization of Wastewater Sludge for Lightweight Concrete

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Mojapelo, K.S.
Kupolati, W.K.
Ndambuki, J.M.
Ibrahim, I.D.
Adeboje, A.O.
Kambole, C.
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International Network on Appropriate Technology (INAT)
The increasing population has resulted in higher generation of domestic and industrial wastewater sludge. The sludge ends up as landfill in designated areas, which makes the land unusable. The search for lightweight materials for construction has led to the use of sludge as a viable replacement for the basic composition of concrete, due its low density. The dry sludge collected from Polokwane Waste Water Treatment Works in Limpopo Province was used as partial replacement of sand in concrete. The sludge content in sand was varied from 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, to 12.5%. The outcomes of the analysis indicate that the addition of dry sludge in concrete mix is viable and effective. The result showed that up to 7.5% of sand can be replaced with dry sludge in concrete for structural applications. In addition, the use of dry sludge as partial replacement of fine aggregate in concrete has little or no effect on the environment
Conference papers
Wastewater , Dry sludge , Heavy metals , Concrete composites , Research Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Civil engineering and architecture
Mojapelo, K.S. [Et...al] (2018). Utilization of Wastewater Sludge for Lightweight Concrete, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Appropriate Technology, 22-25 November, 2018, Songhaï Center, Porto-Novo, Benin, Endogenous Knowledge, Appropriate Technology and Innovation: Linking the Past and the Future.