Characterization of lignocellulolytic bacterial strains associated with decomposing wood residues in the Lagos lagoon, Nigeria.

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Buraimoh, O.M
Ilori, M.O
Amund, O.O
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Malaysian Society of Microbiology
Aims: The presence of lignocelluloses, especially sawdust in the Lagos lagoon and the attendant ecological problems warranted studies on their degradation. This study aimed to isolate and identify the indigenous bacterial strains capable of utilizing lignocellulosic wastes under the prevalent tropical estuarine conditions. Methodology and results: Nine bacterial species were obtained by elective culture from decomposing wood residues in the lagoon. They were identified on the basis of morphology, biochemical characteristics and analysis of their 16S rRNA gene sequences as Streptomyces, Bacillus and Paenibacillus species. They were cultured on various lignin- related lignocellulosic substrates over a period of 7 to 12 days. All the isolates showed moderate to very good growth on sugarcane baggase. Streptomyces albogriseolus strain AOB and Paenibacillus sp. ROB showed good growth on grass while on sawdust, only Streptomyces AOB, and Bacillus megaterium strain NOB showed good growth. High performance liquid chromatographic analysis showed that the Streptomyces species completely utilized coniferyl alcohol, B. megaterium strain NOB utilized 90-100% of all the lignin- related aromatic compounds. All the bacterial species utilized less than 40% of sinapyl alcohol, Bacillus sp. OOB and Paenibacillus sp. strain ROB failed to utilize vanillic acid. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: The isolates degraded lignocellulosic wastes and lignin-related compounds. The role of fungi in the breakdown of lignocellulose in the Lagos lagoon had been the subject of previous research considerations whilst the role of bacteria spp was unreported. Autochthonous bacterial species may equally play a role in the bio-rehabilitation of the sawdust-polluted water of the Lagos lagoon.
Pollution , Lignocellulose , Streptomyces , Bacillus , Paenibacillus
Buraimoh, O. M; Ilori, M. O. and Amund, O. O. (2015). Characterization of lignocellulolytic bacterial strains associated with decomposing wood residues in the Lagos lagoon, Nigeria. Mal. J. Microbiol. Vol 11(3), pp. 273-283