Gender aspects of Library and Information Profession in Nigeria: Affirmative Action for Males

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Unegbu, V.E
Adekanye, E.A.
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A millennial axiom that librarianship is a female profession was to be reconfirmed or otherwise, in this research, in Nigeria. Survey, through phone calls and questionnaire methods, were used in data collection. Data collected was analyzed using simple percentage in tabular form. Some impediments in the profession making men an endangered species based on the work being ·too routine, not challenging, not appealing, and no opportunity to make extra money were highlighted. Attractions such as librarianship being lCT based, information aspect of librarianship being made robust} and availability of opportunity for training and development' both locally and internationally were recommended. Outcome of the survey showed that affirmative action and preferential treatment are not recommended in order to retain male librarians who are fast approaching extinction 1 the profession. Except on sponsorship, no special preference should be given to attract the males, rather general applicable rules were chosen to make librarianship viable and interesting. Four (4) alternative methods were suggested to keep male librarians afloat in the profession.
Staff Publication
Male/female-dominance , Gender Role Spillover , Endangered Species , Gender
Unegbu, V.E and Adekanye, E.A (2015) Gender aspects of Library and Information Profession in Nigeria: Affirmative Action for Males. Journal of Library, Archival and Information Science, Vol.5(1), 55-67pp.