Foliar Epidermal Morphology of Some Members of Subfamily Dodonaeoideae Burnett.

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Onuminya, Temitope
Adediran, Ismail
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Dodonaeoideae Burnett is a subfamily of flowering plants in the soapberry family Sapindaceae Juss. Leaf epidermal characteristics of some species in the subfamily Dodonaeoideae were studied with the aid of a compound light and scanning electron microscopes in order to evaluate their reliability as taxonomic markers. Both qualitative and quantitative assessments were carried out using standard methods and the species studied included Zanha golungensis Hiern, Dodonaea viscosa (L) Jacq. and Majidea fosterii (Sprague) Radlk. Both Z. golungensis and M. fosterii are hypostomatic with stomata restricted to the abaxial surface while D. viscosa is amphistomatic. Their epidermises are composed of cells of various shapes from polygonal in Z. golungensis and adaxial surface of D. viscosa species, to irregular M. fosterii and abaxial surface of D. viscosa. The anticlinal wall patterns vary on abaxial and adaxial surfaces of each species, from straight in D. viscosa to undulate in M. fosterii. Anomocytic stomata are present in M. fosterii and D. viscosa species while paracytic stomata type is found in Z. golungensis. There is variation in the stomata size, number, length and width of the three species. Stellate trichomes were observed on the adaxial surface of Z. golungensis while epicuticular wax is granular in all taxa and mainly especially on the adaxial surface. Also, striations were observed on both surfaces of Z. golungensis. The range of variation in the epidermal characters between the species under investigation renders them of value for taxonomic purposes. An artificial dichotomous key for identifying the species is presented.
Epidermal cells, Sapindaceae, Stomata, Taxonomic Markers, Trichomes.
Onuminya, T.O. and Adediran, I.G. (2018). Foliar Epidermal Morphology of Some Members of Subfamily Dodonaeoideae Burnett. Pakistan Journal of Botany 50(5): 1865-1869.