Compliance Rate of Adequate Filling of Radiology Request Forms in a Lagos University Teaching Hospital
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Irurhe, NK
Sulaymon, FA
Olowoyeye, Omodele
Adeyomoye, AA
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Radiology request forms are essential communication tools used by hospitals and doctors referring
patients for radiological investigations, however, their importance is highly underestimated. The clinician is
required to give brief clinical history by filling the reason for referral as this helps radiologists to better
understand the patient’s condition; so that the required expertise can be utilized. The aim of the research is to
evaluate the adequacy of patient data and clinical information filled in the request forms sent to the
Radiodiagnosis Department by the referring clinicians. Descriptive study design was used to find out the
compliance rate of filling radiology request forms as indicated by referring physicians. The average number of
request forms received on a daily basis in the Radiodiagnosis department of Lagos University Teaching
Hospital (LUTH) was 62. A non probabilistic Quota sampling method was used to select 300 request forms over
a period of 3 months which are representation of variety of examinations from different departments within
LUTH. The study revealed a relatively high number of uncompleted fields in the radiology request forms in
Irurhe NK, Sulaymon FA, Olowoyeye OA, Adeyomoye AAO. Compliance Rate of Adequate Filling of Radiology Request Forms in a Lagos University Teaching Hospital. World Jour of Medical Sciences. 2012; 7 (1): 10-12