Application of GIS Technology to Geospatial Location of Lagos State Fire Stations, Nigeria
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Otavboruo, B.E.
Emesani, E.G.
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Indian Journal of Geomatics, Indian Society of Geomatics
The number of lives and properties lost to fire outbreak has heightened the need for evaluating the efficiency
of fire stations within Lagos State, Nigeria. In 2016, over 16 billion naira was lost to fire in the State. This research examined the application of GIS technology to geospatial location of Lagos State fire stations and their efficiencies. The aim of this research is to evaluate fire station distributions in relation to population and economic level within Lagos
State using GIS technology. This evaluation provides various analyses to support efficient planning of fire services and
identify areas that are less serviced within Lagos State. To accomplish this aim, graphical representation, Euclidean
buffers, and network analyst, closest to facility mapping tool were used. The main data used were; Lagos State base
map, XY coordinates of commercial/industrial buildings, thirty-four fire stations, (Federal, state and privately owned),
and road network of Lagos State. The study revealed that within 1km coverage area, these thirty-four (34) fire stations
owned by Lagos State (14 fire stations), Federal (8 fire stations) and Privately owned (18 fire stations) are insufficient
for efficient service in the populated areas of Lagos state. The paper recommends need for more geospatially located
fire stations in the populated areas of Lagos State for enhancing and achieving better and safe environments.
Scholarly article
GIS technology , Fire station , Fire outbreak , Population , Research Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY
O. G. Omogunloye, B. E. Otavboruo, O. E. Abiodun, O. A Olunlade and E. G. Emesani (2018), Application of GIS Technology to Geospatial Location of Lagos State Fire Stations, Nigeria. Journal of Geomatics, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp 54-62