Socio-economic factors affecting workshops attendance in Nigerian libraries an overview of the cataloguing, classification and indexing section of the Nigerian Library Asociation

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Adewuyi, O.W
Adekanye, E.A.
Ifafesobi, O.S
Orisanola, I.J
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University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The paper investigates socio-economic factors affecting workshops attendance in Nigerian Libraries using the 2010 Workshop of the Cataloguing, Classijiccnioll and Indexing Section of the Nigerian Library Association as a case study. The researchers made use of observation method, questionnaire, and primary source of records generated by the Section to gather data. The study discovered a gap in the sponsoring of staff to workshops, as there is !W significance difference between the length of service and socio-economic factors affecting workshops attendance in Nigerian Libraries. Some of the benefits derived by the participants from the previous workshops include, enhancement of professional skills. However, self-sponsorship to workshops was poor as at the time of this study due to financial constraints. Recomniendations were offered.
Scholarly article
Adewuyi, O.W, Adekanye, E.A., Ifafesobi, O.S & Orisamola, I.J. (2014). Socio-economic factors affecting workshops attendance in Nigerian libraries an overview of the cataloguing, classification and indexing section of the Nigerian Library Asociation. Library philosophy & practice, 2-23.