Poetry as an action and interaction: Conversation as strategy in the peotic art of Niyi Osundare and Tanure Olajide

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Nwagbara, A.U
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Department of English, University of Lagos
Though generally perceived as a highly individualistic. reflective and inward affair, poetry is quite interactive. and more or less employ conversational and discourse features which engage various levels of interlocutors within and outside the text. Thus, poetry could be said to be a communicative discourse which entails the exchange of information involving some levels of action and interaction, In essence. poetry is a communicative medium whose artistic and communicative significance lies in its conversational stylistic attributes and implications. This paper is a study of poetry as action and interaction. The study projects an analysis of poetry as a communicative medium which against popular views and perceptions is quite interactive and adopts creative conversational techniques.
Full Text Attached
Nwagbara, A.U (2008), Poetry as an action and interaction: Conversation as strategy in the poetic art of Niyi Osundare and Tanure Olajide. in Lagos Review of English Studies (LARES), A Journal of Language and Literary Studies, vol. 16, No 1 & 2, pp 104 - 121