Establishment of Electrical Energy Benchmarking Protocol for the Assessment of the Carbon Emissions in Hotel Industry

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Babatunde, O.M.
Oluseyi, P.O.
Denwigwe, H.I.
Akin-Adeniyi, T.J.
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The hotel industry consumes quite a sizeable quantum of energy. The industry stakeholders contend with energy related challenges; this includes high cost of service provision as a fall out of electricity price as well as poor energy policy. More so, this industry remains an unattractive subsector to both the energy players and succeeding governments (in Nigeria). Due to the great importance of this industry to commerce, tourism and hospitality; it is thus necessary to conduct its energy performance analysis. This will indirectly provide a template for an efficient utilization of energy in the industry. Though there are no creditable national records on energy consumption in this industry in Nigeria, but a well-calibrated energy data treatment method is developed to establish an acceptable protocol using relevant statistical tools. These methods are tested on an empirically selected number of hotels which are actively involved in business activities in Lagos metropolis. The results obtained clearly established that a number of building parameters have a set of measurable influence on energy use, as well as carbon emission, in the hotels. To support this, it is discovered that the relationship between the total floor area (footprint) and number of employees has the highest influence on energy utilization in the hotels.
Energy benchmark; Hotel industry; Statistical tools; Emission; Energy use intensity