Remote Sensing, A Vital Tool in Monitoring Climate Change
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Omodanisi, E. O.
Salami, A. T.
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Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Studies, Ile-Ife, OAU.
The impact of anthropogenic activities on the planet we inhibit has affected the climate. Humans are at risk as the earth is warming up. It is through the observation of atmosphere and hydrosphere data; and by using the latest technology such as Remote Sensing (RS) and geographical Information System (GIS) that climate change could be monitored, assessed, analysed and interpreted effectively on real time basis. This paper highlights how RS and GIS can be adopted in combating climate change.
Staff publications
Climate Change , greenhouse gases , remote sensing , geographic information system , Research Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY
Omodanisi, E.O. and Salami, A.T., (2009) ‘Remote Sensing, A Vital Tool in Monitoring Climate Change’, In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Studies, Ile-Ife, OAU, Salami et al., (eds.) “Your planet needs you! Unite to combat climate change” 2, 45-50.