A cephalometric study of anteroposterior skeletal jaw relationship in Nigerian Hausa-Fulani children
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Utomi, I.L
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West African journal of Medicine
Objective: To determine the antero-posterior skeletal jaw relationship in Nigerian Hausa-Fulani children
Setting: This study was carried out in 1998 at the Maxillo-facial Unit of the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Kaduna, Nigeria.
Materials and methods: 100 subjects aged 11-13years of Hausa-Fulani ancestry with no previous history of orthodontic treatmentwere selected for the study. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were traced and anolyzed to produce values for SNA, SNB and ANB.
Results: The mean SNA was 82.4⁰, mean SNB 80.3⁰, and mean ANB 2.1⁰. The normal range of ANB values was 0.5-4⁰.
Conclusion: The values obtained differ from those of other population groups and should be used as guidelines in the orthodontic treatment of the group studied.
Cephalometry, Hausa-Fulani, Norms, Skeletal
UtomiI.L (2004) A cephalometric study of anteroposterior skeletal jaw relationship in Nigerian Hausa-Fulani children