Evaluation of Umbilical Artery Doppler Indices in Pregnant Women With Sickle Cell Anemia Disease at a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital.
Agbaje, O.A.
Adeyomoye, A.A.
Omidiji, O.A.
Obote, O.S.
Afolabi, B.B.
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Journal of diagnostic medical sonography
Pregnant patients with sickle cell anemia (HbSS) are at risk of adverse outcomes to the mother and the fetus due to unique pathophysiologic changes. The purpose of this study was to determine the umbilical artery (UA) Doppler indices at 26 weeks gestational age (GA) in HbSS women with uncomplicated pregnancies and compare with the obstetric outcome. In this cohort study, 60 HbSS and 60 normal hemoglobin (HbAA) women with uncomplicated pregnancies were recruited from the antenatal clinic and prospectively followed to delivery. UA velocimetry, fetal biometry, maternal hematocrit, and parity were assessed at 26 weeks. Fetomaternal outcomes were also documented. UA Doppler indices and estimated fetal weights were comparable to those of HbAA control subjects at 26 weeks GA. There was a statistically significant increase in adverse obstetric outcomes in HbSS patients. There was no correlation between maternal hematocrit and artery indices. Further research is required to determine cutoff values and optimal timing for sonography in HbSS patients.
Staff publications
umbilical artery Doppler indices , sickle cell anaemia , neonatal outcome , Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE , Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE
Agbaje OA, Adeyomoye AA, Omidiji OA, Obote OS, Afolabi BB. Evaluation of Umbilical Artery Doppler Indices in Pregnant Women With Sickle Cell Anemia Disease at a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital. Journal of diagnostic medical sonography : JDMS. 2018 August