A Study of Facilities for Physically Disabled People in Public Buildings in Nigeria
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Soyingbe, A.
Ogundairo, A. M.
Adenuga, O. A.
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Human beings are physically disabled some time in their lives. Those who remain healthy and without disability all their lives are few. Thus, public buildings should be accessible and barrier-free to both able and disabled people. Disabled people find it difficult to gain access into and operate freely without assistance in many public buildings in Nigeria. The study took inventory of facilities available for disabled people in public buildings. The inventory covered the identification and ascertaining the functional state of the facilities. A total of 257 public buildings were studied. The results show that major facilities required by disabled people are lacking in many public buildings. Some of the facilities identified in few public buildings are in poor state of operation. However, absence of these key facilities restricts the activities of people with physical disability. Hence, they cannot work and become productive as tax-paying members of the nation. Due to shortfall or perhaps total neglect in provision of these facilities, their movement, competence and talents are being restricted. These equally constitute a barrier in the development of their abilities. The society at large is deprived of the abilities and talents in people with disabilities.
Staff publications
Barrier-Free Building , Facilities , Physically Disabled , Public Buildings , Research Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Civil engineering and architecture::Building engineering
Soyingbe A., Ogundairo A.M. and Adenuga O.A. (2007). A Study of Facilities for Physically Disabled People in Public Buildings in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 4th International Research Symposium (SCRI) in conjunction with the International Built and Human Environment Research, University of Salford, 26th -27th March,2007, 251-264.