An analysis of the impact of external debt on banks' performance:
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Obademi, O.E
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BritishJournal Publishing Incorporated
This study focuses on the long run relationship and causal impact between foreign or external debt and bank performance using different performance indices such as return on capital employed, earnings per share and return on equity. The micro analysis done which in this regard is on the firm specific choice of the two big banks in Nigeria i.e. First Bank Plc and United Bank for Africa during the period before the debt relief granted to Nigeria is apt against the backdrop of concentration profitability relationship. A general model of the micro
analysis was developed with ample support of a macro model underpinned by a simultaneous equation using a vector auto-regression estimation. The findings are that foreign or external debt impacts negatively on bank performance but the direction of impact is different for the two banks chosen in this study. While foreign debt was most felt on return on capital employed by United Bank for Africa, the impact of foreign debt affected the earnings per share most in First Bank Plc. The difference in the direction of causal impact can be attributed
to the peculiarity of the internal environment of each of the banks.
Staff Publication
External Debt , Bank Performance
Obademi,O.E. (2013) An analysis of the impact of external debt on banks' performance:Evidence from Nigeria. British Journal Of Arts And Social Sciences. Vol.12,(1),p.37-51.