Valuation accuracy: the Myth, Reality and Expectations
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Babawale, G.K
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University of Lagos Press and Bookshop Ltd
The topic of my inaugural lecture is “VALUATION ACCURACY: THE MYTH, REALITY AND EXPECTATIONS”.
The lecture centres on the uncertainties inherent in real estate valuation and the coping strategies adopted by real estate valuers. A real estate valuer, formally referred to in Nigeria as Estate
Surveyor and Valuer or Appraiser, in other climes) is a person who has undergone relevant academic training, acquired practical experience and is recognised by the Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Board of Nigeria (ESVARBON) to carry out valuation of proprietary interests in real estate and related assets for various purposes.
An Inaugural Lecture Delivered at the University of Lagos, Akoka.
PROFESSOR GABRIEL KAYODE BABAWALE, ANIVS, RSV B.Sc. Estate Management (Ile-Ife), M.Sc. (Reading), PhD. (Lagos) Professor of Estate Management
Babawale, G.K. (2023). Valuation accuracy: the Myth, Reality and Expectations. An Inaugural Lecture Delivered at the University of Lagos, 55p.