Trends and Considerations in the Aesthetics of Stage Lighting Design

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Oni, D.
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Technical Theatre Practice in Nigeria: Trends and Issues. Center for Black and African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC). Lagos
In most artistic efforts theory has always followed practice at a respectable distance. However, in the case of stage lighting, the theories relating to the art did not follow the usual pattern of events. For as Bellman (1967:295) asserts ….. the main body of theory applying to modern stage lighting design, Even to the whole of modern stage design, preceded not only the practice, But also the technology by some odd 20 years The history and explication of the theoretical framework for the evolution of modern stage lighting concepts began with the rebellion against the “well-made play” when Europe was rife, in the middle of the nineteenth century, with fermenting new ideas concerning arts, painting, music, architecture and theatre. In general, these ideas bordered on a revolution that”could be typified as antitraditional, anticonventional and antiornamental” (Bellman, 1967:295). The new concepts advanced a revolutionary approach that deviated from perceiving things from the traditional and conventional way. New approaches were experimented upon that sought to conceive art beyond its ornamental attributes.
Scholarly article
Considerations , Aesthetics , Stage Lighting and Design , Trends , Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Aesthetic subjects
Oni, D. (2006).Trends and Considerations in the Aesthetics of Stage Lighting Design. Technical Theatre Practice in Nigeria: Trends and Issues. Center for Black and African Arts and Civilization (CBAAC). Lagos