Augmenting Physical Skills Practice with Psychological Skills Training for Performance Enhancement in Sports among International School Students, lagos.

dc.contributor.authorSemidara, J.A
dc.descriptionA Thesis Submitted to the School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Lagos.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study examined the effect of augmenting physical skills practice (PSP) with psychological skills training (PST) for performance enhancement in sports among International School Students, Lagos. Forty (40) participants consisting of early adolescent boys and girls were randomly selected from a population of three hundred and fifty (350) students and were randomly put into two groups – one experimental and one control group. The Johnson and Leillich Basketball test in Mathews (1978) was adapted for the study. A pilot study was carried out with twenty (20) participants in two groups, one experimental and one control before the main study and this was used to validate the research instrument through the assistance of two supervisors in 2007/2008 session. The research design used for the study was the pretest, post test control group experimental design. The participants in the experimental group (EG) were trained in physical skills practice (PSP) of basketball shooting methods augmented with psychological skills training (PST) constructs of mental imagery and mental practice while those in the control group (CG) were trained in physical skills practice (PSP) of basketball shooting skill methods alone. The participants were trained and tested in different basketball shooting skill methods – set shot (SS), jump shot (JS), overhead shot (OS) and lay up shot (LU). For the training, two standard basketball courts, twenty standard basketballs, score sheets, a stop watch and two research assistants trained by the researcher assisted. During the tests (pretests and post tests), ten (10) standard basketballs and score sheets were used for each test. Two research assistants trained by the researcher assisted the researcher to collect data for analysis. The data generated from the study were analysed using the descriptive statistical tools of measures of central tendency – the mean and measure of dispersion – standard deviation. The t-test inferential statistics were used to find out if there were significant differences between the pre-tests and post tests of the performances of the participants in the same group and also if there were significant differences in the experimental and control group at the post tests. The inferential statistics of one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to test all the postulated hypotheses at 0.05 confidence level. Six (6) of the hypotheses (H01, H03, H04, H05, H06 & H07) were rejected while hypothesis two (H02) was accepted at 0.05 confidence level. Some of the major findings of the study were as follow: 1 There was significant proof that psychological skills training (PST) – mental imagery and mental practice had positive effect on the performance of the novice early adolescents basketball shooting methods which was demonstrated by the experimental group participants. 2 Psychological skills training (PST) – mental imagery and mental practice are versatile interventional strategies for set shot (SS) performance enhancement. 3 There were indications that psychological skills training (PST) – mental imagery and mental practice which were the main experimental phenomena of the study enhanced the participants jump shot (JS). 4 The study also showed that as a result of psychological skills training (PST) – mental imagery and mental practice, the experimental group that was almost at par at pretest with the control group did better at the post test. 5 The study has also proved that the enhancement of early adolescents shooting method of overhead shots (OS) was as a result of the treatment of mental imagery and mental practice that were availed the experimental group but were denied the control group. 6 There was an indication that physical skills practice (PSP) augmented with mental imagery and mental practice significantly enhanced early adolescents lay up shots (LU) shooting method far above the participants of the control group due to the psychological skills administered on the experimental group. 7 Psychological skills training (PST) – mental imagery and mental practice established a better strategy and significantly enhanced basketball shooting in early adolescents.en_US
dc.identifier.citationSemidara, Johnson Ale’tile (2012), Augmenting Physical Skills Practice with Psychological Skills Training for Performance Enhancement in Sports among International School Students, lagos. . A Thesis Submitted to University of Lagos School of Postgraduate Studies Phd Thesis and Dissertation, 164pp.en_US
dc.subjectPhysical Skills Practiceen_US
dc.subjectPsychological Skills Trainingen_US
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AREAS::Sportsen_US
dc.titleAugmenting Physical Skills Practice with Psychological Skills Training for Performance Enhancement in Sports among International School Students, lagos.en_US
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