Christianity and Traditional Life in Ibadan 1853-1940

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Adeboye, O.
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Hope Publishers. Ibadan
A lot has been written on the impact of Christianity on traditional life, not only in Ibadan, but also in other parts of Africa. The usual submission is that Christianity affected the people's values as well as facilitated the rise of a new educated elite. This chapter looks at the other side of the coin, namely, the way traditional life affected Christianity in Ibadan in the period under study. As people embraced Christianity in the second half of the nineteenth century, they placed the religion within their own paradigms, adapting it to their folk life and traditional idioms. Some specific creations are examined here as illustrations, viz, the office of the Babasale Onigbagbo, the Adura Odun, and church chieftaincies. But before we go into that, it is necessary to survey what traditional society in Ibadan looked like before the advent of Christianity, as well as examine early missionary activities in the city.
Scholarly Articles
Christianity , Traditional Life , Ibadan , Missionary Activity , Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION , Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects
Adeboye, O.A. (2002). "Christianity and Traditional Life in Ibadan 1853-1940" In G.O. Oguntomisin and S.A. Ajayi (eds.), Readings in Nigerian History and Culture: Essays in Memory of Professor J.A. Atanda, Ibadan: Hope Publishers, 106-114