The realities and challenges of Universal Basic Education (UBE) scheme in Nigerian primary schools.

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Okafor, N
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Colleges of Education Academic Staff Union South-West Zone of Nigeria, Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, Otto/Ijanikin, Lagos State.
It is obvious that primary education in Nigeria has continue to respond to local, state and international dynamics in policy formulation, implementation, curriculum design and institutional reform. In identifying with Jomtien Declaration on Education for all, in 1990, Nigeria has mad a giant stride in providing educational opportunities for all citizens by introducing Universal Basic Education (UBE) programme. This paper has described extensively the ownership of primary schools and its control. Access to Primary Education and its quality provision are also explained. This paper has highlighted on the declarations and interventions of educational educational diplomats in Nigeria. Realities and Challenges of Universal Basic Education (UBE) programmes in Nigeria at the Primary school sector are equally outlined. The paper also has suggested in-service training of teachers with good welfare packages, protection of Child's right against violence, sexual harassment as well as continuity in education policies for successful implementation of UBE programme in Nigeria. It thus concludes that UBE has a lofty vision, mission and objectives and if properly implemented, could eliminate illiteracy, ignorance and poverty and thereby stimulating and accelerating development, political consciousness and national integration in the country.
Scheme , UBE , Features , Implementation , Primary Education , Quality
Okafor,N.P.(2008). The realities and challenges of Universal Basic Education (UBE) scheme in Nigerian primary schools. South West Journal of Teacher Education (SOWEJTED). 2(3), 96-118. A Publication of the Colleges of Education Academic Staff Union South-West Zone of Nigeria, Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, Otto/Ijanikin, Lagos State.