Effects of Explanations and Integration of Ideas Pedagogies on secondary School Chemistry Students' Acquisition of Basic Science Process Skills in Nigeria

dc.contributor.authorOkafor, N
dc.descriptionConference Papersen_US
dc.description.abstractThe thrust of this study was to determine the effects of explanations and integration of ideas on secondary school chemistry students' acquisition of observing and inferring skills in Lagos State of Nigeria. The extent to which gender could influence observing and inferring skills acquisition in chemistry was also ascertained. A null hypothesis was tested. The study adopted a quasi- experimental research design where intact classes were subjected to two treatment groups (explanations and integration of ideas) and a control group (lecture) in a 3x2 factorial matrix. The sample size was 200 participants with the average age of 14 years. Observing Skill Test COST), Inferring Skill Test (1ST) and Guides on Teaching Strategies (OTS) which had three sections were the instruments used in data collection. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Analysis of Co-variance (ANCOV A). The findings of the study showed significant interaction effects of the teaching methods and gender on chemistry students' acquisition of observing and inferring skills. Integration of Ideas Method (UM) was most effective, followed by Explanations Method of Teaching (EMT) while Lecture Approach Method (LAM) had the least effect. However, boys out-performed the girls in the observing skill test among all the teaching methods. In addition, boys exposed to IIM out-performed the girls in the inferring skill test but girls taught with EMT and LAM excelled better than boys in the inferring skill test. The pattern of the teaching methods in chemistry students acquisition of observing skill followed this trend: ( IIM >EMT > LAM {Boys> Girls}) while the pattern in students acquisition of inferring skill followed this trend: (IIM {Boys> Girls}> EMT> LAM {Boys < Girls}). The study concludes that if learning is to be based on science process skills acquisition, chemistry teachers should plan lessons with effective pedagogies that would provide opportunities for students' to harness basics skills that are required in this present age of science and technology. It recommends that the Nigeria Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) should ensure that these two pedagogies are included and implemented in the secondary school chemistry curriculum to ensure that no student is left behind in the acquisition of work force skills in Nigeria.en_US
dc.identifier.citationOkafor, N (2018). Effects of Explanations and Integration of Ideas Pedagogies on secondary School Chemistry Students' Acquisition of Basic Science Process Skills in Nigeria. Paper for Presentation at the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World Regional Conference, Africa, 14pp.en_US
dc.subjectObserving and Interfering Skillsen_US
dc.subjectBasic Science Process Skillsen_US
dc.subjectSecondary School Studentsen_US
dc.titleEffects of Explanations and Integration of Ideas Pedagogies on secondary School Chemistry Students' Acquisition of Basic Science Process Skills in Nigeriaen_US
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