A Critical Analysis of Edmund Husserl's Method of Reductions
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Owosho, S.A.
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Department of Philosophy, Ahmadu Bello University
This paper attempts a critical analysis of the method of reductions in Husserl's phenomenological project. The goal of Husserl’s phenomenology is that of trying to establish a secured foundation for philosophical and scientific knowledge. He invented a method in order to achieve his goal. This method is called the phenomenological method which enabled him to distinguished two important phenomenological standpoints namely natural attitude and phenomenological attitude respectively. The cardinal problem tackled by this paper is that of overcoming the natural attitude. The natural attitude is, attitude of everyday life characterised by an uncritical acceptance of the existence of the world independently of our attention. In order to transcend the natural attitude therefore, the philosopher must embrace the phenomenological attitude starting with the epoche, which eventually lead Husserl to the next stage of the phenomenological method, which is the method of reductions. The basic findings of this paper is that the reductions reduces the natural attitude and what is experienced in it to the sphere in which consciousness manifest itself
Scholarly Publication
Reductions , Phenomenology , Natural Attitude , Epoche , Consciousness
Owosho S.A. (2019). A Critical Analysis of Edmund Husserl's Method of Reductions, Falsafa: Journal of Philosophy, 2 (1), ISSN: 2672-5592, Journal of the Department of Philosophy, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, 59-78