A dictionary of modern Kabba language

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Timothy Asobele, S.J.
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PFL Publications
This present work is the outcome of researches I undertook at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka class of Descriptive Linguistics, under the tutelage of Rev. Orji, during the 1971-1972 session. This work continued in Paris during my STINT at The University of Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle) 1975-1979. Back home in Nigeria, on the 9'h of November 1979 till date I intensified my commitment to the Dictionary of Kabba Language from 1980-1981 at (CBAAC) Centre for Black Arts and Civilization. With the help of University of Lagos native speakers (Who were students), my work continued with research grants from University of Lagos Central Research Committee. This work is the fruit of more than four decades of diligent, committed, devoted studied attention to Kabba Language, linguistics and lexicography.We know this is a pioneering work and we dare not delude ourselves of its exhaustiveness because future researchers will have a field day in compiling KABBA DICTTONARYOF PERSONAL Names, medicinal plants and herbs, Agricultural terminologies, Kabba proverbs and praise names, Names ofKabbaflora andfauna. We exhort future Kabba Linguists to tone-mark future editions of A Dictionary Of Kabba Language. Language is dynamic and ever evolving, researchers should take note of this fact and endeavour to enrich Kabba Language with not only borrowings and loan words, but efforts should be intensified to attract the myriads of neo-logisms from the internet, social media, computer technologies loan-words. Kabba citizens might not be endowed with space-knowledge terminology, but we are aware of Osupa, Irawo, Orun and other probable galaxies emerging in NASA space engineering.
Scholarly article
Timothy Asobele, S.J. (2021). A dictionary of modern Kabba language. Foreward by: his royal majesty Obaro Ero II. Oba Alayeluwa M.F. Olobayo (phD)OON. Obaro of Kabba, 337p.