An Empirical Investigation of the Trends in Real Estate Research in Nigeria.

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Babawale, G. K.
Emele, C.R
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Published by Department of Estate Management, University of Lagos
This study investigated the trends in real estate research in Nigeria using such parameters as research methodology, research topics, and authorship, among others, with the goal of unveiling the extent to which real estate research in Nigeria aligns with global trends and the relevance of research findings to the needs of the local market place. The study adopted both thematic content analysis of 138 papers published in the Estate Surveyor and Valuer, the official journal of the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) between 2002 and 2014. It also includes the analysis of responses to questionnaire survey involving 109 practicing firms of Estate Surveyors and Valuers in Lagos metropolis using descriptive statistics. It was found that while majority of the practitioners showed interest in research findings reported in the journal; a large number considered the scope of the subjects covered by the Journal as too narrow; while the reporting of the findings including the recommendations were perceived as rather too abstract or technical offering limited practical relevance and applicability. These findings suggest that the much needed synergy between researchers and practitioners is lacking as either side is apparently moving in different direction. The study therefore recommended closer collaboration for dedicated research between the private sector and academics preferably on the platform of the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) or the Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration board of Nigeria (ESVARBON). In the light of global standards and best practices, it is recommended that each edition of the journal should be dedicated to specific aspect of real estate theory and practice and that priority should be given primarily to contemporary issues at both the local and global levels.
Real Estate , Research , Trends , Nigeria
Babawale, G.K. and Emele, C.R (2016). An Empirical Investigation of the Trends in Real Estate Research in Nigeria. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Real Estate. Vol. (3), 1-17. Published by Department of Estate Management, University of Lagos