Frequency and distribution of teeth treated by single- and multiple-visit root canal treatment by differently skilled operators at a Teaching Hospital in Nigeria.
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Umesi, DC
Oremosu, OA
Makanjuola, JO
Nwachukwu, NC
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APIDPM Sante Tropicale
Single visit root canal treatment (RCT) is being advocated around the world. This study profiles RCT in a Nigerian population and compares pattern of single versus multiple visit RCT to tooth type and skill level of the doctors.A retrospective study was carried out on RCT performed in one year by fresh graduates and postgraduate dentists. Records retrieved included patients' sex and age, tooth type, location in the jaw and whether single- or multiple-visit RCT was done.Records of 705 teeth were reviewed, 54.6% belonged to females. Age range was 18-87 years, mean of 31.76 (± 12.31) years. Majority (70.1%) belonged to 20-39 years' age group. Most teeth were located in the maxilla (60.8%) and in posterior regions (73.6%). The most frequently root filled tooth was the mandibular first molar (20.7%) followed by maxillary central incisor (18.4%) then maxillary premolar (12.8%). However, all molars accounted for 47.3%, premolars 26.3% and incisors 25.0%. Canines (1.45%) were least frequently root-filled. Incisors (54.8%) were the teeth most frequently treated in single-visit followed by premolars (28.8%). Most frequently treated by multiple-visit were molars (51.0%). All doctors performed multiple-visit RCT in an approximately equal proportion but a significant percentage of single-visit RCT was carried out by senior doctors (71.2%).The most frequently root filled teeth were mandibular first molars. Teeth most likely to be treated by single-visit RCT were incisors. Appropriate operator skill and experience is important in the decision to perform single-visit RCT. Single-visit RCT is advocated in the developing environment.
Endodontics , Root , Canal , Treatment , Single-visit , Operator , Tooth-type
Umesi, D. C., Oremosu, O. A., Makanjuola, J. O., & Nwachukwu, N. C. (2016). Frequency and distribution of teeth treated by single-and multiple-visit root canal treatment in a Nigerian population by differently skilled operators. Odonto-stomatologie tropicale= Tropical dental journal, 39(153), 56-64.