Job Performance as a Function of Motivation in the Nigerian Public Service

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Fagbemi, A.O
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University of Lagos
This study is concerned with exploring the relationship between job performance and motivation using data from five federal ministries in Nigeria. The aim is to build a behavioural model of the relationship between job performance and motivation. The conceptual model of the study is that job performance is a function of motivation. Personal characteristics are proposed as mediating factors. The model is from the standpoint of middle level officer and their bosses in the Nigerian public service. Boss Rated, Self-Rated and Boss Reported Objective performance were utilised. Motivation was self reported. The motivation variables were grouped into Self-Actualising Intrinsic motivation. Higher Order Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation. The effect of Global job satisfaction on rated job performance was investigated. Seven general propositions having many specific propositions were tested to establish the extent of dependence between rated job performance and self reported motivation. Four instruments were designed by the researcher and administered to rated officers and their bosses. The instruments were Self-Rated performance instrument. Self Reported Motivation instrument. Boss Rated performance instrument and Boss Reported Objective performance instrument. The analytical tools used in the study included the chi-square test, contingency - coefficient, t-test and protocol analysis. All tests were carried out at 5 per cent significance level. The results of the tests of the propositions carried out indicated some significant relationships: - Self Rated Performance and Self-Reported Higher Order Intrinsic motivation were significantly dependent: - Self Rated Performance and Self-Reported Self-Actualising Intrinsic Motivation were significantly dependent; - SRP and Self-Reported Extrinsic Motivation were significantly dependent; - Boss-Rated Performance and perceive trust worthy colleagues by bosses were significantly dependent; - Years spent in position by rated officers and Higher Order Intrinsic motivation were significantly dependent; - Total years of work experience of rated officers and Higher Order Intrinsic Motivation were significantly dependent; - Self Ratings of Performance were found to be higher than Boss Ratings of performance; Two of these findings were pertinent to the open performance evaluation practice in the Nigerian public service. The first is that subordinates tend to rate themselves higher than their bosses. The second is that bosses perception of their colleagues as trustworthy significantly influences their ratings of their subordinates. These findings indicate that both boss and self ratings tend to be subjective. Boss ratings as practiced in the current open performance evaluation system should be complemented with an objective performance assessment method. Contrary to the findings on Self Rated Performance, Boss Rated Performance was not dependent on Self Reported motivation. The Boss Reported objective performance obtained from the bosses on the officers were incomplete. They were therefore not amenable to the statistical test of independence. The significant relationships found in this study gave some support to the conceptual model of job performance as a function of motivation in the Nigerian Public Service. A revision of the conceptual model was carried out on the basis of the findings. Further studies are required to establish the relationship between ability of middle level public officers and their job performance. There is also the need to study further the possibility and implications of using objective performance measures in the Nigeria Public Service.
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Job Performance , Motivation , Nigerian Public Service
Fagbemi, A.O (1990) Job Performance as a Function of Motivation in the Nigerian Public Service. University of Lagos School of Postgraduate Studies Phd Business Administration Thesis and Dissertation Abstracts, 290p.