Modelling. Optimization and Analysis of Re-Entrant Flowshop Job Scheduling with Fuzzy Processing Times

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Ogunwolu, L.
Sosimi, A.
Obialo, S.
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Nigerian Journal of Technology
This paper presents a makespan minimization of -jobs -machines re-entrant flow shop scheduling problem (RFSP) under fuzzy uncertainties using Genetic Algorithm. The RFSP objective is formulated as a mathematical programme constrained by number of jobs and resources availability with traditional scheduling policies of First Come First Serve (FCFS) and the First Buffer First Serve (FBFS). Jobs processing times were specified by fuzzy numbers and modelled using triangular membership function representations. The modified centroid defuzzification technique was used at different alpha-cuts to obtain fuzzy processing times (FPT) of jobs to explore the importance of uncertainty. The traditional GA schemes and operators were used together with roulette wheel algorithm without elitism in the selection process based on job fuzzy completion times. A test problem of five jobs with specified Job Processing and Transit Times between service centres, Job Start Times and Job Due times was posed. Results obtained using the deterministic and fuzzy processing times were compared for the two different scheduling policies, FCFS and FBFS. The deterministic optimal makespan for FBFS schedule was 61.2% in excess of the FCFS policy schedule. The results also show that schedules with fuzzy uncertainty processing times provides shorter makespans than those for deterministic processing times and those under FCFS performing better than those under FBFS policy for early jobs while on the long run the FBFS policy performs better. The results underscore the need to take account of comprehensive fuzzy uncertainties in job processing times as a trade-off between time and costs influenced by production makespan.
Fuzzy, Genetic Algorithm, Flowshop, Makespan, Processing times, Re-entrant, Schedules
Ogunwolu, L., Sosimi, A., & Obialo, S. (2017). Modeling, Optimization and Analysis of Re-Entrant Flowshop Job Scheduling with Fuzzy Processing Times. Nigerian Journal of Technology, 36(3), 806-813.