Adult Education- Scholarly Publications

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    Open Access
    Resource investment as correlate of entrepreneurial returns of self-employed artisans in Lagos State
    (2017) Ojeomogha, T. O.
    The study showed that there is no difference in the resource investment drive of the self-employed based on their type of trade. On the challenges confronting self-employed the study identified inadequate electricity supply as a major challenges facing self-employed artisans
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    Open Access
    Knowledge and level of readiness of self- employed artisans in the informal sector towards adopting contributory pension scheme
    (2017) Ojeomogha, T. O.
    The paper showed a relative poor saving culture of most Nigerian artisans. It also revealed a poor knowledge and awareness level of self-employed as regards to contributory pension scheme. The study also show that inconsistent government and pension administrators’ policy has hampered the smooth implementation of the programme.
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    Open Access
    Effect of demographic characteristics of self-employ artisans on the business success of self-employed artisans in Lagos State, Nigeria
    (2021) Ojeomogha, T. O.
    The study showed only their gender significantly to their success in business. The study also revealed that there a new trend of women in technical training.
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    Open Access
    Human resource training for productivity in West Africa exploration and production company limited Lagos, Nigeria: A tool for sustainable community development.
    (2022) Ojeomogha, T. O.
    The study on human resource training for productivity taken different faces of attention amidst various scholar and professionals in recent past, but this study examined the effectiveness of human resource training for productivity on sustainable community development. Three research questions and three null research hypotheses were posited to guide the study. This study adopted a correlational research design. The population of the study comprised all the 55 staff of West Africa Exploration and Production Company Limited, Lagos (WEPCL). The instrument that was used for the data collection was a self-designed questionnaire entitled: “Human Resource training for Productivity Questionnaire”. The data collected were analyzed using chi-square (x2) while Pearson-Product Correlation statistical tool were used to analyze the Hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed, that there was significant relationship between human resources training and development for productivity sustainable community development. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others, that organizations and communities should partner with the Department of Adult for the training and development of their staff. Also, organization should ensure that workforces are well trained to improve productivity that will lead to sustainable community development.
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    Open Access
    Influence of cooperative societies on the socio- economic status of artisans in Lagos State
    (2022) Ojeomogha, T. O.; Zedomi, V.
    Cooperative society consists of group of people who have a set of similar interests. It is a non-profit corporation whose goal is to raise the socio-economic standing of its members. The study posited three research questions and hypotheses to guide the research. This study adopted a descriptive research design. The population of the study comprised 150 artisans in Lagos State. The researcher questionnaire entitled: “The Influence of Cooperative Societies on The Socio-economic Status of Artisans in Lagos State” was used foe data collection. The data collected were analyzed using Regression Analysis and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistical tools were used to analyze the Hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the analysis shows that there was a significant influence of cooperative societies on the socio-economic status. Hence, it was recommended that cooperative societies should not rest on the positive effects recorded in promoting socio- economic status of artisans rather they should strengthen it more in such a way that will have effect on the Lagos State economy especially GDP. The study recommended among other that cooperative societies should integrate more practicable activities that will yield more positive effects of their operations in the promotion of their members' socio-economic status.