Water Resources Development: An Overview of Nigeria’s Surface and Groundwater Resources Challenges

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Ekpeni, N. M.
Ayeni, A. O.
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Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Water is an essential natural resource that shapes regional landscapes and is vital for the proper functioning of the ecosystem and human well-being. It is a resource under considerable pressure because our ecosystem is over-subscribing the capacity of these natural water systems which poses threats to water resources development such as industrial wastes, effluents, oil spillages, salinization of surface and ground, hence, shortages are being experienced. Water resource development is the activity of planning, managing, distributing and developing the optimum use of water resources as well as the construction, harnessing, distribution and protection of both surface and groundwater infrastructures for the domestic agricultural and industrial needs of the society. This chapter discusses the preliminary assessment of Nigeria's surface and groundwater resources development and challenges including the difficulties in water resource protection, inadequate use of advanced technology for water treatment, problem of reducing water leakages, how to conserve water, and water resource management practices. The chapter also pointed out that the present uncoordinated and piecemeal development of Nigeria's water resources stems from lack of a national water policy and an adequate institutional framework for managing these resources. Finally, it suggested that the Federal Government should establish a training programme to train and produce the necessary skilled manpower in the field of water resources planning, development, and management.
Scholarly articles
Water resources , Development , Challenges , Nigeria , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES
Ekpeni, N. M. and A. O. Ayeni (2021): Water Resources Development: An Overview of Nigeria’s Surface and Groundwater Resources Challenges. In: Olawepo, R. A., Ajibade, L. T. and Ifabiyi, I. P. (Eds), “Perspectives in Regional Development in Nigeria.” A Fesrschrift in Honour of Professor Adebisi Funsho Adedayo. Published by Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, Chap. Five, pg. 55 - 65.