The influence of personality variables on disruptive classroom behavior of senior secondary school students in Lagos Mainland Local Government Area, Lagos State

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Nwadinigwe, I.P.
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The literature of disruptive classroom behaviours of students is sufficient to fill hundreds ofvolumes. Findings and attitudes are based on the fact that these behaviours are intolerable in classes .. For any meaningful activity to go on in the classroom. the teacher must try to control disruptive behaviours. A teacher needs to establish classroom discipline. control and management. Without some kind of order in the classroom. nothing much of educational value can be done. If. as a teacher. one has had the misfortune to be in a badly managed classroom or one completely out of control. one would then appreciate the importance of the problem. When pupils engage in disruptive activities. the teacher may be said to have failed in creating the conducive environment required for classroom learning and teaching.
Scholarly article
Nwadinigwe, I. P. (2002). The influence of personality variables on disruptive classroom behavior of senior secondary school students in Lagos Mainland Local Government Area, Lagos State. West African Journal of counseling and psychotherapy, 2(1), 85-92.