Nourishing the Malnourished Musical Child in An Unequal Society: The Case- Study Of Two Schools In Lagos, Nigeria.
Nweke, F.E.
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The development of creativity depends on its nurture and on internal and external factors that influence the process. It is sometimes apparent that some children who possess some level of musical giftedness are fortunate to receive appropriate musical training to harness and showcase their musical prowess to the world. Unfortunately, some are at a disadvantage. This is perhaps partly due to the inability to get the right training, simply because the individual is indigent. This explains the injunction from the Holy book that "the poor you will always have amongst you." The researcher recommends drastic measures to ensure equal musical opportunities are given to these disadvantaged ones living in the same environment with unequal living standards. The study uses a comparative analysis using the interview methods. The study compares two schools, the children living in the slum and the children living on the mainland in Lagos, Nigeria. The study examines the level of musical training received, the adequacy of those training, and personnel's level of musical training engaged in teaching the children. It examines if there are musical prodigies in these two schools of thought. How can the government ensure a gap is bridged between the educationally/musically disadvantaged child living in the slum and the privileged child living in affluence? The study proffers the solution; this implies that inequality does not help a nation give fair judgment and treatment to its citizens; the government must ensure adequate measures are implemented to bridge these gaps.
Scholarly article
Inequality , Musical development , Slums , Affluence , Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Aesthetic subjects
Nweke, F.E (2021). Nourishing the Malnourished Musical Child in An Unequal Society: The Case- Study Of Two Schools In Lagos, Nigeria. Nigeria. University of Lagos Press.