Fundamental Approach to Test Administration for Counsellors, Teachers and Psychologists.

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Makinde, B.O.
Akanni, O.O.
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University of Lagos Press & Bookshop,Akoka- Yaba, Lagos.
Testing is an indispensable tool that all practicing counselling psychologists use in day-to-day professional interactions with clients. Test are used to diagnose both the obvious and the drop -seated problems of adjustment among all and sundry. The goal of testing is reliaseble if the test is properly administered The book is divided into eleven chapters to give a systematic coverage of the meaning of the term "test". Each chapter explain explicitly on everything that learner and teachers in training needs to know about the fundamental approach that is needed in the administration of a standardized test in counselling psychologists'
Scholarly Book
Fundamental , Approach , Test Administration , Teachers' , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education
Fundamental Approach to Test Administration for Counsellors, Teachers and Psychologists, University of Lagos Press & Bookshop,Akoka- Yaba, Lagos.