The national theatre as the nerve centre of Nigeria's cultural democracy and external publicity

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Timothy Asobele, S.J.
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Upper Standard (Nig)
This Preamble is a diffi Ity . . the title of the Preamble. Among t~U n~ne. The difficulty started right from "Nigerian cultural patrimony ine t~ es that suggested themselves are: "Nigerian cultural Exchange " e t~ocess of Communication", Nigeria's positive presence in tShlnce n ependence", 1/25 years of d N" " e concert of nations" "M " an Igenan arts and litera Petrimoni "" "" ess-medis world view abroad" etc W 7' rues=, Promotion of Nigerian the fact that our dramatic'lite~at~nraIlYsettled for the above title because of arts, festivals, films industry COIIO~~~ultural.troupes,musical groups, visual symposia are good and livel'y avenue; fsOemlnaltrs, clonferenc~s, conqresses, ur cu ura communications. The next question is why at international forum? . The reason is simple and it is b live in isolation without making of it itizens of the fact that no nation can , I S Cl izens a bunch of paranoids. Nigeria is a member of th Unit d . cultural arm as the UNESCO as It Ite m .e Nations which has such a I s cu ural dialogue clearing house.
Scholarly article
Timothy Asobele, S.J. (2016). The national theatre as the nerve centre of Nigeria's cultural democracy and external publicity.