Counselling Primary School Children:A Practical Approach

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Olusakin, A.M
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Children of today are the leaders of tomorrow; therefore, we need to start counselling them from the childhood stage while they are still going through their character formation. We cannot counsel children in the same way that we counsel adults. We counsel adults by sitting down with them, and allowing them to talk with us. If we use the same strategy with children, it is unlikely that they would tell us anything of importance. They would probably become bored with the conversation after a short while, or would withdraw into silence. However, even if they should talk to us, they would probably deflect away from important issues. This paper discusses some basic strategies for effective child counselling.
Conference Paper
Child Counselling , Children
Olusakin,A.M.(2000) Counselling Primary School Children:A Practical Approach. Being a Paper Presented At The 24th Annual Conference Of Counselling Association Of Nigeria(CASSON) At NUC Auditorium,Abuja.