Product Elimination: The Nigerian Insurance Industry Experience.
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Oghojafor, B. E. A.
Aduloju, S.A.
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There is a growing interest in the way products are eliminated in order to prevent purchase discontinuity. The authors
present an empirical study on the ways products are eliminated in the Nigerian insurance industry. Specifically, the
papers examined the factors normally considered before elimination decisions are taken, and the key problems
encountered during elimination stages. The data obtained from thirty-four insurance companies through a structured
questionnaire were analyzed and a ranking of the variables relevant to the elimination process was provided. The
kolmogorov-smirnov test was used to test the formulated hypotheses. Government policies and regulations as well as
operational problems are the most important factors leading to elimination process. The paper also reports that the most
difficult problem encountered during the elimination process is maintaining customer’s goodwill.
Staff publication
Product Elimination , Insurance Products , Financial Services
Oghojafor, B. E. A. & Aduloju, S.A. (2012), Product Elimination: The Nigerian Insurance Industry Experience. International Journal of Business Administration, vol. 3 (2).