Reengineering the NDDs Master Plan: An analytical Approach
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Akinwale, A.A
Osabuohien, E
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This paper examined the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC)’s master plan, which promised different programmes such as: employment generation, education, and health, among others. The authors reviewed competing analysis of the extant development policies and conclude that the NDDC’s master plan is not radically different from the extant policies and may aggravate the antimonies to development in the region. If lasting solution to the lingering crisis in the Niger Delta is desired, it is essential to positively utilize combined powers of local organizations. Ultimately, rather than romancing with military and political approaches that have not engendered sustainable development, the people who live with and whose lives are directly affected by the Niger Delta crisis should be reckoned with in arresting the crisis and positively transforming the region.
Staff Publications
Development , Master Plan , Niger Delta , Social Development
Akinwale, A.A and Osabuohien, E (2009) Reengineering the NDDs Master Plan: An analytical Approach. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Vol.11(2).