Nigerian International Reserves and Nominal Official Exchange Rate Volatility
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Odior, E.S
Nwaogwugwu, I.C
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Journal of Economics and PoIicy Analysis
This study examined the long and short-run imp. '{ relationship between international reserves and nominal official exchange rate for le economy of Nigeria using annual time series datafrom 1980 to 2014. The study USf'{/ the unit root test, cointegration test and Oil autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) n.odel to dilate econonietrics long-run equilibrium of international reserves. Tile empirical evidence showed that one lagged value of official exchange rate !Vas negatively associated with the Nigerian international reserves 017 the long run. Oil export Il'as the major contributor 10 tile Nigerian
international reserves, while imports and external debts II'ere thefactors that inversely affected the reserves botli ill the long and short run. Tile study recommended that, /0 increase international reserve holding, it is essential to pursue and implement monetary poLicies that can considerably relax tile binding constraint Oil The availability of foreign
exchange, particularly for exporting firms,' and IhO! government should effectively control the volume of imports in order to minimize its import bill while also diversifying its exports in a bid to boost export earnings /0 enhance its foreign reserves.
Staff Publications
Nigerian international reserves , Exchange rates , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Business and economics::Economics
Odior, E.S and Nwaogwugwu, I.C (2017). Nigerian International Reserves and Nominal Official Exchange Rate Volatility. Journal of Economics and PoIicy Analysis, Vol.2(1)