Telecommunication Infrastructure Response to Public Sector Reform in Nigeria.

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Nwaogwugwu, I.C
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The Faculty of Business Administration, University of Lagos.
For about two decades now Nigeria has been experiencing tremendous wave of reform on all fronts. These include some of the sectors of the economy that cater primarily for infrastructural development. Consequently,the Telecommunication sector of the Nigerian Economy has been experiencing some changes through economic liberalization policies that assumed the form of privatization through Divestiture and' 'Opening Up" (OU). Few empirical studies have been carried out to investigate how Nigeria' Telecommunications Infrastructure has responded to the reforms that have been going on in that sector. Nevertheless, the general perception liberalization of the sector paved way for explosive investment in that sector past decade and thereby exerting Cl tremendous impact on economic growth. Relying on descriptive statistics this papa reveals that Nigeria's Economic Reform Programmes have impacted greatly (In growth of the telecommunication sector. This is adequately reflected in all growth indicator of' telecommunication sector as well as ill its contribution to the GDP of Nigeria.
Staff Publications
Nwaogwugwu, I.C (2016). Telecommunication Infrastructure Response to Public Sector Reform in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Management Studies, Vol.17(1), 115-125p.